speech bubble

美 [ˈspiːtʃ bʌbl]英 [ˈspiːtʃ bʌbl]
  • n.话泡泡(漫画中圈出人物所说的话的圆圈)
speech bubblespeech bubble


a circle around the words that sb says in a cartoon

  1. It showed a fat man extracting a corncob from an African child 's food bowl , with the speech bubble : " Excuse me , I 'm going to need this to run my car . "


  2. As Arnaud Weber , a Google engineer and one of the characters in the comic book , says in a speech bubble : " We 're applying the same kind of process isolation you find in modern operating systems . "


  3. Associate some arbitrary text with an area of the image and display it either in a separate block or over the top of the image ( potentially stylised as a speech or thought bubble ) .
